So I guess my recitation of wedding rehearsal dinner history is to explain that I had planned on a Chinese multi-course rehearsal dinner. NOT limited to the bridal party. Eddie's concern is the cost, and since it is mostly for me and my family, I said I'd take care of I guess I have to start researching pricing on this now too! Maybe I can have Mum/Dad go at it for me. :)
I know Eddie likes the intimate, cozy family feel of a small backyard rehearsal dinner. I suppose we could do two things if he really wants that, but I wanted it close enough to the actual wedding that people here from Sing or other places far away would be able to attend becuase they'd be here. I've yet to decide whether to have the tea ceremony there at the reharsal dinner or at the wedding itself. I guess it depends on how much time we have at the recpetion and/or who shows up to the dinner. It would make for a nice photo op at the wedding itself, esp if I wear a purple cheong sam. But it could go for a while because you're supposed to serve tea to the parents, grandparents, grand aunts and uncles, aunts and uncles.
On my side of the family that would be: AhMah, Kong Kong, Nei Nei, Gee Lou Koh, Soi Lou Koh and Soi Lou Teoh, Leong Chee Ku Ku, Uncle Ah Bee and Auntie Irene (?), Tai Ku Ku and Sei Ku Ku, Pak Mei and Pak Pak, Margie ee and Uncle Scott, Gerard Ku and Auntie Amy, Joy ee ee, Derrick Ku (and Auntie Karen?), Vee ee ee, Pris ee ee and Uncle Mike, Auntie Patsy and Uncle Geoff?. Jillee and Levi??? because technically they're one generation up too...does that mean Aidan too?!?
On Eddie's side of the family would be: Grandpa Mario and Grandma Esther, Grandpa Paul, Grandpa Ernie, Eddie's dad's mom Lila, Grandma Cora (actually a great grandma), G Uncle Bob and Joe, G Uncle Ralph, G Aunt Lupe, G Aunt Lupe B, G Aunt Mary, G Uncle Joe, G Uncle JB, Uncle Paul and Cindy, Aunt Ruth, Uncle Matt and Julie, Uncle Steve, Uncle Ray and Aunt Debbie. Although I'm not even really sure if Eddie wants to serve tea to his side of the family. But I would at least want to serve it to his parents/grandparents/grand uncles and aunts, maybe to his godparents.
So since there are a bajillion people, I was thinking maybe serve them tea in cycles:
- Mum and Dad
- Nei Nei Ahmah Kong Kong (Mum said that Ahmah might not want to sit with Nei Nei but it'll last all of 3 seconds!!)
- Gee Lou Koh, Soi Lou Koh, Soi Lou Teoh, Uncle Ah Bee, Auntie Irene
- Leong Chee Ku ku, Auntie Betty and Alan, Uncle Peter and Aunt Edith
- Tai ku ku, Sei ku ku, Pak Pak and Pak Mei
- Margie ee ee Uncle Scott, Gerard Ku Auntie Amy, Joy ee ee, Derrick Ku, Vee ee ee, Pris ee ee Uncle Mike
- Cathy and Ed
- Grandpa Mario and Grandma Esther, Grandpa Paul, Grandma Lila, Grandpa Ernie (and Judy?)
- G Uncle Joe, JB, Bob, Joe, Ralph Lupe, Lupe, Mary
- Dad's of G Aunts/Uncles (Aunt Armie and Uncle Ralph)?
- Uncle Steve, Elsa, Aunt Debbie, Uncle Ray
- Aunt Ruth, Uncle Matt and Julie, Uncle Paul and Aunt Cindy