I've been calling St. Christopher's for a week! And I never get Veronica.
Today, however, when I called, expecting to miss her again and to ask in frustration if there was ANYONE else in the world that I could talk to about that stuff...lo and behold, who answers the phone but Veronica herself!
So St. Christopher's sends their English Pre Cana classes to St. Patricks, which runs a one day Marriage Encounter retreat kinda thing. Not weekly classes.
Eddie now wants me to call St. Andrew's about the FOCCUS. But I emailed Fr. George instead...we'll see what he has to say.
"The FOCCUS© Pre-Marriage Inventory is a comprehensive, user-friendly, affordable tool for professionals and lay individuals who are helping couples prepare for marriage. The 156-item, research-based inventory assesses couples' agreement, disagreement, or indecision about statements related to important issues, such as communication, problem-solving, religion, family and friends, careers, cohabitation, parenting, sexuality, finances and more."