26 February 2011

Tennessee Gardens Round Two

Made our second deposit to Tennessee Gardens.

While we were there we also samples more cake and talked a little about what we'd want. We saw some example cakes in the bakery. Eddie liked the square cakes set at different angles on top of each other (I think this is called "off set"); l don't really have a preference about the shape, just about the design and taste ;)  With square cakes for 250 people, we would need four layers. Eddie definitely wants carrot cake as one layer, and we both also like the strawberry Victorian cake. So I get to choose the other two layers. I'm thinking a chocolate layer, well two actually. One is a chocolate cake with three creams: mocha, toffee, and chocolate. I had it for the for first time yesterday and it was SO delicious! The other might be another chocolate, I'm not really sure yet. 

Apparently they won't cut what is on the top layer and will instead give it to us to take home.  So in addition to the flavors we also have to figure out which flavor goes on which level. I'm not sure how popular carrot cake is so I was thinking it would go on the second layer (if the first isn't cut and is going home with us), then the strawberry Victorian on the third layer, then the chocolate three cream on the bottom. Except then there would be more chocolate slices of cake than any other, and personally I think the strawberry Victorian is the best.

Another thing about having different layers is that I think they serve the cakes as they're cut, which means that you might get served carrot cake while that table further down gets the delicious chocolate three cream! So something else that I have to ask about is the possibility of cutting the three layers and letting people get their own cakes. But that may be a problem logistically, as 250 slices of cake probably takes up a lot of space. So I guess we'll see.

Am I picking too much at the details?

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