01 September 2009

Guest Book Ideas from The Knot

How it's done: Think about the stories and sentiments you'd like to read (and revisit) most and have cards printed with these type of questions (like "who are you happiest to see today?"). Spread them out on a table next to a big glass bowl where guests can drop their completed cards. Whatever you do, make sure to include a space for guests to sign and date them.

Tip: The key to getting good responses? Do not make your guests feel as if they're doing a homework assignment. Stick to one or two fun-to-answer questions per card:

  • How did you first meet the bride and groom?
  • When did you know they were in love?
  • What's the secret to a great marriage?
  • Can you share a funny memory about the bride and/or the groom?

Other ideas for questions we could ask in the guest book?

Branch Out

What it is: Just about anything, including tree branches, can serve as an easel for your guests' sweet sentiments.

How it's done: Purchase a small sapling from a local nursery or take a piece from an existing tree with sentimental value (like a willow tree in your parents' yard), and plant it in a decorative pot. Cut paper flowers from card stock and have guests sign the blossoms and attach to the tree's branches with ribbon. To make hanging a breeze, punch a hole in each card and loop a ribbon through. Double knot it to make a loop that can easily slip on the branches. At the end of the night, you'll have a tree in full bloom. After the event, gather the blossoms in a book, and for those who used a real sapling, plant the tree that has now been anointed with the loving and supportive words of your guests.

Not so sure that we'd want the real tree to plant...probably because I'd end up killing the poor thing... I wonder what we'd make the tree out of? Actual branches? Michael's fake flower stuff?

Green Note: Save space and paper by doubling the guest book cards as escort cards. On the back of each guest's calligraphed table card, print, "A note to the newlyweds." Place a pen at every place setting (favor idea!) so guests know to fill them out.

I like this idea to reuse the "escort cards" - escort cards being those cards that tell you where to sit? Maybe we could combine the note to the newlyweds on the back of the escort cards with the questions from the first guest book idea?

Supplies we'd need:

  • Cards with printed questions and table assignments
  • Ribbon to hang cards
  • Pens

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of escort cards, like on one side of the card you have the person's name and table #, then on the other side have them write you a note. This will negate needing a guest book (which by the way, you will probably never look at again!).
