What are complementary colors?
The complementary color of a primary color (red, blue, or yellow) is the color you get by mixing the other two primary colors. So the complementary color of red is green, of blue is orange, and of yellow is purple.Why are Complementary Colors Important in Color Theory?
When placed next to each other, complementary colors make each other appear brighter, more intense. The shadow of an object will also contain its complementary color, for example the shadow of a green apple will contain some red.
So here are some pictures I'm gathering to show Eddie...we're currently on a no wedding discussion kick... I think after our last squabble yesterday :P...
He can't really see orange and blue together... I was thinking blue dress with the brightly colored flowers - orange, yellow, pink/magenta/etc.

Here's the pale green I was thinking? Not the style of the dress, because I was thinking shorter length, but maybe the color?

Is this called coral? Peach? It's more along the lines of the pale/pastel orange I think Eddie may be talking about? He thinks that orange dresses would make the flowers pop more...

Here are some oranges that I DO NOT want...

P.S. I have absolutely no idea who that random chick is following my blog... Do they have bots on Blogger???
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